Thursday, May 28, 2015

Deploy IIS URL Rewrite rules using PowerShell

I'm finalizing a FIM implementation that uses the FIM portal.  I have some fit-and-finish changes about the URLs I want to implement so that users who type in the site name automatically get to the HTTPS version of the FIM portal, rather than the HTTP version of SharePoint that lives at the root of the website.

It took a little while to figure out the syntax of the rewrites and how to deploy via PowerShell.  Most of the examples I found only provided the XML definition of the rule. Here are those two rules, ready for deployment via PowerShell (using the IIS PowerShell Snap-In).

Example: Redirect to HTTPS
$SiteName = "FIMSite"
$RuleName = "HTTP to HTTPS"
$Rule = @{
 Name = $RuleName
 patternSyntax = 'ECMAScript'
 stopProcessing = 'True'
 match = @{
  url = '(.*)'
  ignoreCase = 'True'
  negate = 'False'
 conditions = @{
  logicalGrouping = 'MatchAll'
  trackAllCaptures = 'True'
 action = @{
  type = 'Redirect'
  url = 'https://{HTTP_HOST}/{R:1}'
  appendQueryString = 'False'
  redirectType = 'Permanent'
Add-WebConfigurationProperty -PSPath "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName" -Filter "/system.webServer/rewrite/rules" -Name "." -Value $Rule
$match = @{
 input = '{HTTPS}'
 matchType = 'Pattern'
 pattern = 'off'
 ignoreCase = 'True'
 negate = 'False'
Add-WebConfigurationProperty -PSPath "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName" -Filter "/system.webServer/rewrite/rules/rule[@Name='$RuleName']/conditions" -Name "." -Value $match

Example: Redirect to Application
$SiteName = "FIMSite"
$RuleName = "Redirect to FIM Application"
$Rule = @{
 Name = $RuleName
 patternSyntax = 'ECMAScript'
 stopProcessing = 'True'
 match = @{
  url = '^$'
  ignoreCase = 'True'
  negate = 'False'
 action = @{
  type = 'Redirect'
  url = '/IdentityManagement/default.aspx'
  appendQueryString = 'False'
  redirectType = 'Permanent'
Add-WebConfigurationProperty -PSPath "IIS:\Sites\$SiteName" -Filter "/system.webServer/rewrite/rules" -Name "." -Value $Rule

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